Inspired Callings

Thanks to all of you who offered such support and enthusiasm last week after my announcement that we would be teaching seminary.

Our first week went off well. I am so grateful for this opportunity to study the scriptures in a new way. I can’t describe how fulfilling it has been to have the life of the Savior continually on my mind. I love the feeling of having both sets of scriptures, the seminary manual, “Jesus the Christ”, and the New Testament in harmony all spread out on my large desk. I have discovered so many interesting things. For example, this morning I was studying Matthew’s account of the Mount of Transfiguration. I had always thought Peter, James and John were all transfigured. It turns out that actually only Christ was transfigured. In fact the apostles had fallen asleep and were awakened to the site of Christ transfigured. I was touched by Talmage’s comment in “Jesus the Christ” that the transfiguration was a time for Christ to be ministered to by Elijah, Moses, and John the Baptist. Luke tells us that Moses and Elijah had come to talk with Christ about his upcoming death and resurrection, to strengthen him before the greatest trial of humanity.

Talmage comments that the fact that Heavenly Father says, Behold my Beloved Son of whom I am well please, hear Him. Is incredibly significant, given that Moses was right there with him. Up until this point Moses had been looked to as the leader of the church, the founder of the laws of the Jews. It is therefore monumental that Heavenly Father says, hear him, referring to Christ. He makes it clear that Christ is to be the leader of the church.

My testimony has been strengthed this week as I have felt the power of scripture study fill my life. Monday through Wednesday were especially long, I got home at 8:30 Monday, 10:30 Tuesday, and 9:00 Wednesday. At which point I still had to finish up things at home, cook dinner, and prepare for bed. Starting at 5:30 and ending at 11:00 makes for very long days, and yet I felt a certain energy carrying me throughout the day.

Tom and I’s relationship has strengthened as well. We have enjoyed discussing the lessons and sharing our discoveries. I love listening to Tom’s lessons, and I appreciate the support he gives me when I teach.

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