Category: Life

  • As I was making cookies tonight. . .

    I got to thinking about all the ways in which one can save calories by making simple adjustments in the way they cook and eat.  I read something many years ago that praised the benefits of just cutting out 100 calories a day. Over a year, my memory is that you will loose 5 pounds.…

  • Simple Pleasures

    -pantry off my kitchen-Costco membership-snow boots-glasses and contacts-fleece PJ’s (Thanks Adalee!)-peppermint tea-text messaging-sleeping in (because snow conditions canceled seminary)-oven I felt grateful for these things today. What about you?

  • And we thought our family trips to Utah were packed. . .

    Libyans on their way to work

  • Random reports and thoughts

    Last Friday before Trevor and Lauren arrived Tom and I went to the chinese import store in downtown Cleveland. It’s an amazing place. Stepping in there you feel like you have been transported to China. The smells, colors, organization and signs all create an atmostphere that is entirely chinese. The majority of the labels are…

  • Friends

    Last night I went out with “the girls.” We were supposed to be watching an opera for our Opera Workshop class, but we really just used that as an excuse to get together, talk and eat chocolate. It was a beautiful night. There were many laughs, smiles and bonding stories. We all told of our…

  • OH man!

    I just burnt our last bag of microwave kettlekorn popcorn. I hate it when I do that!

  • Thanks

    I wanted to thank all of those who left such kind and thoughtful comments under my last post. I had to sort of chuckle as I realized that my writings came across much stronger and more depressed-sounding than I had intended. I am feeling great about life and have great hopes for the future. I…

  • Back at it

    Today started the first day of my second semester of Grad school. It looks like another full semester- I am hoping to cram a lot of classes in this first year so that I can go part time my last semester. This semester I am taking:French 102Italian 102 (as review)Vocal LiteratureVocal CoachingVocal PedagogyVoice LessonsOpera WorkshopOpera…

  • New house post

    I posted pictures of the newly painted kitchen on “Our Playhouse” blog for those who are interested.

  • Fresh Paint in the kitchen

    It took me a week, but I finally finished painting the kitchen. There are still a few small touch ups that are needed but for the large part I am finished. We’re very happy with the results. Here are a few photos: Take note of that beautiful door. See the post below for a before…