
Last night I went out with “the girls.” We were supposed to be watching an opera for our Opera Workshop class, but we really just used that as an excuse to get together, talk and eat chocolate. It was a beautiful night. There were many laughs, smiles and bonding stories. We all told of our first impressions of each other and laughed at how wrong they almost all were. Towards the end of the night (and by that I mean 2am) a few of us still lingered and the conversation deepened in that rich edifying way that leads your mind to thoughts you have never considered. Experiences were shared and advice given that bonded us and inspired all of us. It was a magical night, like one I have only experienced a few times in my life. I drove home that night feeling so blessed to have fallen amongst such a wonderful group of friends.

(Our friend Liz caught this shot of Megan, Claire and I during the last opera. I love it – what true emotions. Megan pointed out however that my hands look enormous because of the depth of field variances. Hahahh!)

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