New York
Tom and I spent the weekend in New York. Tom hadn’t seen his sister Adi and brother-in-law Jeremy in several months so we thought it would be nice to go out to see them. Plus it coupled as Tom’s early birthday present. (Tom’s birthday is the 15th.) We had a great time and saw some…
Alan Shephard: First american in space, 48 years ago today
Amazing to think we have been going to space for nearly 50 years!
Unexpected note
Last night when Tom and I arrived home from the Stake Adult session, we saw a pot that usually sits in the front of our house sitting on our side lawn. It made me nervous, wondering who had been messing around by our house. I went immediately inside and into the front to make sure…
Zoo Day!
Friday afternoon Tom and I drove down to meet Trevor, Lauren, Bryce and Dallin in Columbus. They used Priceline to reserve a hotel room for $40.00. So we had dinner, swam in the pool, and then enjoyed an evening of talking and general fun. The next morning, after eating the delicious muffins Lauren made and…
Zoo Day!
Friday afternoon Tom and I drove down to meet Trevor, Lauren, Bryce and Dallin in Columbus. They used Priceline to reserve a hotel room for $40.00. So we had dinner, swam in the pool, and then enjoyed an evening of talking and general fun. The next morning, after eating the delicious muffins Lauren made and…
I asked the below question not because I have that money but just because I often think about how I would spend extra money if I did. For example, I would certainly love, even adore, to drop a couple hundred dollars at the nursery. But this afternoon when I went, I couldn’t get myself to…
Here’s my question: How do you know when your body actually needs sleep, and when you just feel like being lazy. Perhaps because I am semi-done but the last few days I have felt like I could sleep all day. Both yesterday and today we came home from seminary and slept a few more hours…
Stand by me
playingforchange, a group who is trying to promote peace through music, made the following video. It touched my heart, hopefully it will touch yours. “This cover of Stand By Me was recorded by completely unknown artists in a street virtual studio all around the world. It all started with a base track—vocals and guitar—recorded on the streets…
Spring is busting out all over!
For weeks we Clevelanders have been bemoaning the late onset of spring. Then I was reminded of the most recited phrase in grade school- “April Showers bring May flowers.” Suddenly I was aware that Clevland is not the only place where flowers come up “late.” Regardless with a few sunny days and more coming Spring…
As of now
As of now at 7:45 on Saturday the 25th, the forecast for this week is:Saturday- Sunny and 84Sunday- Sunny and 76Monday- Sunny and 81Tuesday- Sunny and 66Wednesday- Sunny and 61Thursday- Sunny and 67 I’ll take it! Welcome Spring.