Zoo Day!

Friday afternoon Tom and I drove down to meet Trevor, Lauren, Bryce and Dallin in Columbus. They used Priceline to reserve a hotel room for $40.00. So we had dinner, swam in the pool, and then enjoyed an evening of talking and general fun. The next morning, after eating the delicious muffins Lauren made and brought, we headed out to the zoo. We’ve catalogued the day in pictures. Enjoy!

Pure Elegance

This was the most astounding exhibit to me. Can you believe the size of the snake? He could swallow me whole!

Bryce was most excited about seeing the Tiger. Last time they came to the zoo this Tiger was sitting up against the observation window. Yesterday he was tucked in a far corner, where you had to stretch yourself over a fence to see him. However, thanks so our telephoto lense Tom got this great tongue shot.

What is it about lions that makes them so dignified?

This was not the most exotic of exhibits, in fact it wasn’t an exhibit at all; but rather a local goose and her gooselings. Despite that we all thoroughly enjoyed watching this mother and her children interact.

Tom was the main photographer of the day, and he made one good shot after another. He waited until the flamingos had moved behind this fabulous profile to create the pink blur that contrasts the very crisp colors of the head.

Cheese! Don’t you love this teethy grin?!

These tortoises were huge. This picture doesn’t do their size justice.
Going to the zoo always reminds me that one of God’s titles is “Creator.” I’m always amazed at the breadth of His creativity. We all laughed at the colorful bottoms of the mandrills, and I thought of this past Christmas when several of the younger kids were making creatures on the “Spore” computer game. They would laugh with the others, “Look at the one I just made!” I had to wonder if a bit of that went on in heaven.

Gorilla’s have always been my favorite animal. I find them so awe-inspiring. Their massive bodies coupled with their usually peaceful manner. There is a certain wisdom to these creatures, as well as a sadness.

This photo captures the sadness. I love how you can see the reflection of the hand in his face. Zoo’s have a bittersweet feeling for me. I love seeing the various animals, but I wonder if they would be happy elsewhere. (Sure, I understand that now a days zoos contribute widely to the conservation effort and that these gorillas might not have been safe in the wild. But still. . .)

“The Thinker.” -Rodin

I took this shot. This mother swung around on robes and rarely seemed to take much notice of her child. Meanwhile the child hung on and slept lazily in his mother’s lap.


Tom and Dallin.

All in all it was a quick but wonderful visit. From left to right: Bryce, Kjirsti, Dallin, Lauren, Trevor, and Tom in back!

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