Category: Life

  • To quote a friend:

    “I think Cleveland is participating in global warming this year!”And aren’t we all grateful! It’s 45 degrees and sunny and the forecast says sunny all week. We have yet to have a hard frost, and I’ve yet to don my down coat and it’s past the middle of November- ahh! I’m all smiles!

  • As promised-

    So I have to admit, I’m always a bit apprehensive about posting my singing. There are always so many things that I would like to change about my singing, and most certainly things that others think I should change. But alas this is how I sang on October 24 at around 5:30. Enjoy! Rejoice Greatly!…

  • Hurray!

    My call-back was a success and I got the role!!! I’ll be performing the role of Echo in Strauss’ Ariadne auf Naxos in the spring!

  • Check out our recent house adventures and projects here:

  • Least you fear we have given up on the house. . .

    I’ll explain with pictures:We had our chimney cleaned and bought a screen, and enjoyed our first fire of the season with real wood! Here’s the screen- it’s not exactly the perfect screen but it was much cheaper than the ones we liked better on line- and we were able bring it home from Lowes and…

  • Happy Birthday Bud!

    My brother is 18! Wow- How time flies. The age doesn’t seem strange for him, however. Devin has always been mature beyond his years. I am so grateful for our friendship and for the example he is to me. Devin can always make me laugh. He can make me think. I love you, Devin. Happy…

  • To do: Tap lessons!

    I think Mary Poppins is on my list of roles I would love to perform! The lady in this video doesn’t seem like she is as confident dancing as the lady we saw on Broadway- but still isn’t that scene contagious!

  • Can I just say. . . I'm living the dream!

    I’m sitting here with a beautiful laptop on my lap, writing a blog to a loving interested family, in front of a warm blazing fire, with a piece of chocolate cake and ganache sitting on a plate to my right, a loving husband sitting next to me. I’ve just returned from a trip to Columbus…

  • The theater- an aid to the pulpit

    From time to time I worry about my choice of career. That concern was even more elevated after my recent attendance of Don Giovanni at Cleveland Opera. The production objectified women and made light of Giovanni’s sexual escapades. This isn’t the only interpretation of this work, but I fear such directorial choices will be more…

  • For your viewing pleasure

    I have really waited too long to shoot the gorgeous fall colors here. However this morning I saw this out my front room window and thought it was worth the shot. I didn’t get what I was going for, but I’m not going to take the time to go back and get it. I wanted…