The theater- an aid to the pulpit

From time to time I worry about my choice of career. That concern was even more elevated after my recent attendance of Don Giovanni at Cleveland Opera. The production objectified women and made light of Giovanni’s sexual escapades. This isn’t the only interpretation of this work, but I fear such directorial choices will be more and more common in the future. At such times I often think of the second quote by Brigham Young, and take heart that a theater was one of the first buildings Brigham Young had built in the Salt Lake valley.

Is there evil in the theater; in the ball room; in the place of
worship; in the dwelling; in the world? Yes, when men are inclined to
do evil in any of these places. There is evil in persons meeting simply
for a chitchat, if they will allow themselves to commit evil while thus
engaged (DBY, 243).

Upon the stage of a theater can be represented in character, evil
and its consequences, good and its happy results and rewards; the
weakness and the follies of man, the magnanimity of virtue and the
greatness of truth. The stage can be made to aid the pulpit in
impressing upon the minds of a community an enlightened sense of a
virtuous life, also a proper horror of the enormity of sin and a just
dread of its consequences. The path of sin with its thorns and
pitfalls, its gins and snares can be revealed, and how to shun it (DBY, 243).

Tragedy is favored by the outside world; I am not in favor of it. I
do not wish murder and all its horrors and the villainy leading to it
portrayed before our women and children; I do not want the child to
carry home with it the fear of … the sword, the pistol, or the dagger,
and suffer in the night from frightful dreams. I want such plays
performed as will make the spectators feel well; and I wish those who
perform to select a class of plays that will improve the public mind,
and exalt the literary taste of the community (DBY, 243–44).

3 responses to “The theater- an aid to the pulpit”

  1. I appreciate you leaving that quote up for us to read. We struggle from time to time with similar inner pulls, just in a media art form. I’m saving this quote, thanks again!

  2. A great quote. However, lest you feel your chosen feild is unique, here are a few great Brigham Young quotes about mine:
    (1) “the grass never grew on the spot where a lawyer spat”;
    (2) “To observe such conduct as many lawyers are guilty of, stirring up strife among peaceable men, is an outrage upon the feelings of every honest, law abiding man. To sit among them is like sitting in the depths of hell, for they are as corrupt as the bowels of hell, and their hearts are as black as the ace of spades. . . . They love sin, and roll it under their tongues as a sweet morsel, and will creep around like wolves in sheep’s clothing, and fill their pockets with the fair earnings of their neighbors…”;
    (3) “Lawyers are a stink in the nostrils of God and angels and in the nostrils of every Latter-day Saint in this territory.”;
    (4) “I will use my influence with every good man, whether he is in the church or out of it, never to think of going into law. What comes of litigation? Poverty and degradation to any community that will encourage it. Will it build cities, open farms, build railroads, erect telegraph lines, improve the country? It will not; but it will bring any community to ruin.”
    I think you get his point…

  3. ah… that’s pretty funny Derek. We all generalize apparently, that or all lawyers were corrupt at that time, haha. Makes for interesting decisions Kjirsti. hm… what profession doesn’t have corruption in it, or what profession that makes decent money isn’t hated. Interesting…

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