For your viewing pleasure

I have really waited too long to shoot the gorgeous fall colors here. However this morning I saw this out my front room window and thought it was worth the shot. I didn’t get what I was going for, but I’m not going to take the time to go back and get it. I wanted the Riedham/Lomond sign to be in focus, but alas. The second shot is shot from in front of our house looking down the street.

Yeah, you’re right. You should move to Cleveland.

This is a picture of my Paperwhites! Aldi is selling Amaryllis and Paperwhites right now that are already forced- and are ready to plant. I have been wanting to buy some for weeks, but kept putting them back thinking I didn’t need them. However, Mom placed an Amaryllis in my cart (and gave it to me as a congrats gift!) And so I thought- what the heck, why not some Paperwhites too! I’ll keep you updated on their progress. I just planted two of the bulbs- so I should have two more for later in the year. And I’m saving the Amaryllis for closer to Christmas! How I love watching growth.

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