Category: Life

  • It's begun again!

    So don’t be alarmed if you’ve already heard that several times in the past few months and have yet seen little progress. I believe this time I can say it in earnest. The home repairs are going to be getting checked off en masse thanks to a determined and available young gal. As you may…

  • Peppers- Check

    No need to buy green peppers anymore. I’m picking a couple of these every couple of days: They’re a bit spicier than your average bell, but not so much that you can’t enjoy them cut up over a piece of pizza! Shaded by eggplants, my coleus seedlings are taking off. I guess I’ll try to…

  • Singing opportunities

    I had two unique and wonderful opportunities to sing this weekend. Friday night Tom and attended a dinner in the home of an Amish family. This family provides a a traditional “Amish Wedding Feast” for tour groups that come through the area, and as a friend of ours helps with the tours he invited us…

  • Window flowers

    Several weeks ago I visited Linda’s magnificent gardens at Clayton gardens. I’ve commented on how inspired I was before, and mentioned that I copied a few of her tricks. This is one of them: She reused the black plastic pots that her nursery plants came in, re-potted some impatiens, and sat them in a row…

  • First Eggplant!

    Okay, no, I’m not harvesting my first eggplant, but hey, this is pretty exciting! If this little guy is starting now I’ll probably have a purple beauty in a couple of weeks.

  • Speaking out

    Recently I came across this article while looking for another. It discusses how despite how small the Mormon population is in America there is a surprisingly high percentage of Mormon’s holding high ranking business positions. The articles author Michelle Lodge ties it to missionary work, claiming that after the difficult work of knocking doors to…

  • Harvesting

    We harvested our first squash last night. And we’ve already made two batches of pesto- thanks to our hedge of basil!

  • Bedroom continued

    Our master bedroom is a slowly developing. Our latest update is that we stained our headboard and foot board in  a rich brown mahogany. This was a fun upgrade because Tom and I did it together. I stained it and he applied the polyurethane. I love it when we both feel the same sense of…

  • Sabbath Day

    I spent a good part of the morning, this morning, watching some of the “Mormon Messages” that the church makes- short videos with inspiring messages. By the end my heart was full and my eyes were moist. What a beautiful way to bring the spirit to my Sabbath morning. If you are looking for a…

  • "Green Eye"

    In reference to my post two times ago, I thought this picture demonstrates what one is looking for as they develop their “green eye.” Several days ago I noticed that this cucumber was sending out feelers that it would then wrap around anything nearby- aka a basil plant and a pepper plant. I didn’t realize…