Category: Life

  • Blue Room Stage 1

    Here’s the original, original. We took this carpet- 3-4in long shag- long ago, but the wallpaper has remained up until yesterday. I actually didn’t mind the wallpaper but it was quite dirt and ripped in places, so it really needed to be removed. Strip wallpaper- Check!Wash walls- Check! As you can see there are plenty…

  • Artwork!

    Slowly, slowly we have added some artwork and family photos to our walls. My ubber-talented sister, Brigette, painted this for me as a wedding gift. I learned to adore wild poppies when I was studying abroad in Italy. This painting hung forever in my kitchen, but due to a change in color scheme it was…

  • The green room continued . . .

    The green room has looked like this since Tuesday! Big improvement eh? I love the calm green walls and bright quilt. I made this quilt of myself as a graduation gift, and used it all through college. The room is still in need of a bit of decor. I hope to find a different lamp,…

  • If you struggle with Cleveland rain. . .

    . . .plant a garden. Now, I love it!

  • Falling in love

    I’ve heard it said that most boys at BYU can play the guitar, at least one song, it’s considered a good chic magnet. Tom tried the same trick with me when we met the second time. He strummed away on the guitar, wearing his black a fro (it was a Halloween party), and talking casually.…

  • Liatris

    My sister introduced me to liatris this year. She planted six in my yard. They’re a great perennial, that offers as much with their poky greenery as they do in their firework-like vertical blooms. They’re native of North America, and I’ve noticed that the city of Cleveland has used them extensively in their gardens along…

  • A word in for annuals

    This bed wasn’t supposed to turn out to be my most beautiful. I spent much more time in several other perennial beds. But thanks to two flats of super cheap impatiens, and splurge on pansies in early spring this bed reaps more compliments than any other by far. In early June the two dark green…

  • Bounty!

    Oh how I love tomato season!

  • Dreams

    A few weeks ago, Tom and I were talking about dreams. I was expressing my admiration of Tom’s ability to have seemingly countless dreams. I explained that I had always felt a great hesitancy to have dreams because, for me, dreams were too tightly combined with goals- and I didn’t want to set a goal…

  • Green Room: stage 1

    This is the current project: Though, so as not to give myself too much credit today, we removed the jungle-lush shag years ago. But the just as tropical wallpaper remained- as did the less the desirable-shade of yellow blind. So far it looks like this: Wall paper removed, this room revealed many more necessary repairs…