Wanna see my latest home project?
Check it out over at Our Playhouse. P.S. After years of putting up with a cook top that was never completely clean. I finally did something about it. This $1.88 container is a complete dream. Spray it on, leave it for a while (Maybe even go outside because there are some serious fumes) and then…
A day with a friend
Yesterday, I spent the cool of the morning working in the yard, and then headed off to Oberlin to spend the rest of the day with a dear friend. We talked the day away, sharing mothering stories, home decorating opinions, and political frustrations. As I drove home I felt blessed. Blessed to have such a…
The Checklist manifesto
About couple of months ago I went with Tom to attend a talk given by Atul Gawande at the Cleveland Clinic. He talked briefly about a movement he started and a book he wrote called “The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right.” He suggests and supports with research the idea that the medical profession…
Suburban Submission
I loved this quote from Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand: Garden gates and driveways gave glimpses of well-stocked gardens and thick lawns studded with clover clumps and dandelions. He liked the clover, evidence of the country always pressing in close, quietly sabotaging anyone who tried to manicure nature into suburban submission. When I first moved to…
About a month ago I discovered that Cleveland has a racing track, and that’s its a mere ten minutes from our house. Today was the Ohio Derby, so we decided to have a little family fun and head out to the races! Scotland wondering why so many people drink and smoke while watching horses run.…
Spring Voice Recital
Meaghan, Jen, Lauren, Jessica, MeAnna, Emma, Quinn Friday was my student’s Spring Voice Recital. As usual I had very mixed feelings. I was so proud of each student for facing their nerves and barreling through, but I also wished that their parents could hear what I hear in lessons- when they are relaxed and comfortable.…
I love my job!
Today was my last day teaching for the year. I’ll teach a handful of students through the summer, but the bulk of my students take off for camp and vaction. We have our studio recital this Friday. I’m so excited. Each student has made so much improvement. Jen is starting to express more. Anna is…
Resident Kittens: Pearl and Hobbs
Pearl Hobbs We have been fostering these two beautiful, social, and energetic kittens for the past two and a half weeks. They’re up for adoption- any takers?
Writing quote
I loved this quote from The Hemingway Book Club of Kosovo. It goes nicely with my post on writing: “I write because by writing I experience it all again, and begin to try to make sense of it all.”– Paula Huntley
Being a Mom on Monday
Monday I went to the zoo. It was one of those surreal experiences. There I was pushing a stroller filled with my own flesh and blood amongst a caravan of other moms. Wait what?! I seriously just spent the bulk of Monday morning hanging out at the zoo?! And that was a legitimate, rightful use…