French Kids Eat Everything
I recently read Karen le Billion’s book: “French Kids Eat Everything: How Our Family Moved to France, Cured Picky Eating, Banned Snacking, and Discovered 10 Simple Rules for Raising Happy, Healthy Eaters.” (Really I skimmed the book since it was due back at the library before I could finish it.) It was an eye opening book…
Home stuff
I have two realtors coming this week to give us a market analysis, and do a walk through. It’s made me see the house through their eyes and realize I really need to start checking off some of the projects we need to finish. But for some reason I just can’t get motivated to do…
Mmmm, Summer!
This picture is about a month old, but I couldn’t resist! Monday night instead of making dinner I made fresh lemonade and Lemon sorbet. Bring on the summer!
50 "to do's" for life
Several years ago my friend Becky Brown, then Nelson encouraged me to make a list of 50 things I wanted to do in life. She’s done the exercise and found it really revealing. I took her up on it, and have kept the list ever since. Tonight, I found it and looked down the list,…
A combination of events got me thinking about excellence. At first I felt, I am not excellent at anything. I tend to be happy with the sufficient. Its the minimalist side of me, why do more when you could do less? I see “more” as equating to stress and I want to avoid the stress-riddled…
Poppa and Grandma Foutz!
Last weekend Poppa and Grandma Foutz were here. We had a wonderful time. I was thrilled with the opportunity to revel in the sweetness and cuteness of my child without fearing I was boasting. It was so wonderful to see him so loved. It made me even more sure that moving west is the best…
After much contemplation, I decided to participate in “This is Kirtland” this summer. It’s a musical theater production our church puts on to honor the people who sacrificed so much to establish The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I’m not proud of the way I approached the auditions and first rehearsal, but I’m…
Girl's Weekend
This weekend my friend Meg was here from Texas. She’s been through a lot lately, and it was Claire and I’s attempt to bring a little joy in. As it turned out, the timing couldn’t have been better. It was wonderful to have a chance to be together again, the three sopranos. Our friendship is…
It's time to blog
I always know when I’m long over due to blog because my mind keeps going over and over ideas that I haven’t hammered down. Writing keeps me sane. The problem is, when I go this long, I don’t know where to start. Should I dig into our responsibility for the stuff we own, and why…
Least I forget…
Scotter latest thrill is dipping. He lives to dip his pancakes in applesauce his carrots in hummus. Today he wanted to hold the bubble wand. He would dunk it in the bottle several times then pull it out and bring it right to his lips, and blow. We spent the evening picking dandelions. On occasion…