Tiling projects
This week I finally checked two long listed to-dos off the eternal list. See below: It’s still in need of some wood trim around the sides, but it sure looks better than the old one with a third of the tiles missing. I was pretty proud of myself because I did the entire projects one…
It's been a year!
August marks one year for us in 17105 Lomond Blvd. Mainly for my own enjoyment, but perhaps also for yours I wanted to post a combination of pictures of what the house looked like when we bought it, and what it looks like in present day. This is the house when we bought it. …
A testimony of the Priesthood
I have a strong belief in the power of the Priesthood. I believe that the priesthood is God’s power given to man to do His work. I believe that the Priesthood is passed down through worthy men, and that it is ordained of God. I don’t think the Priesthood can be acquired through a program…
PhotoOp- Dahlias
After spending more time with my camera over the last little while, I’ve felt determined to improve my photography skills. I am very very amateur, but I love the art form, and figure I’ll only get better with experience. I’ll post pictures I’ve taken every little while. I would love to hear ideas, suggestions, or…
Flowers: a passion
So it’s official. I’m passionate about flowers. People often laugh when I tell them how excited I am that I found a crocosmia at my local nursery, or that I’m thrilled that my tomatoes are ripening (We’ve already harvested about eight!). Why the need to make it official? I’ll tell you. Somehow, despite others’ surprise,…
Yesterday, Tom and I saw the President, live.
Who would have thought one day Tom and I would drive to our local high school and listen to the President of the United States speak? I sure didn’t. So you can imagine my surprise, first, when I found out he was coming; and second, when Tom called to tell me his name was drawn…
In response to my previous post: Motherhood
Today I woke up after ten hours of deep sleep feeling refreshed. Despite a drippy nose and stuffed sinuses, the aches and fevers from the day before were gone. I went about my day more productively than the two before. As I proclaimed my feelings of change to Tom, he looked at me somewhat sadly.…
I have been thinking about motherhood a lot lately. Perhaps it’s because two of my sisters recently had babies. I have been wondering how mothers do it? This month I have been sick off and on, and I woke up yesterday feeling lousy and today I feel worse. As I laid in bed, choosing to…
Wooh! We're back. What a trip!
The past week and a half has found us sleeping in four different states (Utah, Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Texas). The activities have been as varied as doing sealings in the temple, horse drawn buggy rides, backpacking in the wind rivers, being in a wedding, and eating souffle at an artistic Dallas restaurant. It was a…
Photography outing
Brigette and I are hoping to extend our t-let business into the maternity niche. As part of that we needed some models to include in our media package. Given that I have many beautiful pregnant women in my ward, I happily agreed to take on the responsibility . Not to mention I was excited for…