Tiling projects

This week I finally checked two long listed to-dos off the eternal list. See below:

It’s still in need of some wood trim around the sides, but it sure looks better than the old one with a third of the tiles missing. I was pretty proud of myself because I did the entire projects one day when Tom was at work.

I also did this project which has been nearly a year in coming. It used to look like this:
But then in order to put the proper box in we ended up breaking five more tiles.

You may remember, for a while I covered it up with a painting. Now, there’s nothing to hide!
While I was applying the grout I decided to just apply a layer of grout over the entire back splash, as the older grout had grayed and cracked over time. I can’t believe how much cleaner and newer it makes it look. Oh, the kitchen is so close to being done!!!

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