It's been a year!

August marks one year for us in 17105 Lomond Blvd. Mainly for my own enjoyment, but perhaps also for yours I wanted to post a combination of pictures of what the house looked like when we bought it, and what it looks like in present day.
This is the house when we bought it.
After we removed awnings and layers of shrubs.

Added flowers in front, along with window boxes.

Living Room
When we bought the house

In the process of removing wall paper in the living room, and every other room in the house.

Clean plaster walls.

This period shows a period I refer to as “my darkest days.” A less morbid description would be the electrical period. (Which has yet to close might I add. We still have that darn red electrical permit hanging in our window.)

Now, except we switched out couches, and I re-tiled the fireplace hearth.

When we bought it

Wallpaper removed. Wow was that stuff hideous!

Dark days

Cheery days!

Demolition yet again- but most definitely worth it!

Back flowerbeds when we moved in

Back beds now, converted into vegetable garden and flower gardens.

My goal to finish the first floor still stands, I have until Aug 24 when I return to school, to finish up our last few projects. Namely,

  • quarter round in front room- patch and paint baseboards,
  • baseboards in kitchen
  • thresholds between living room/dining room and kitchen
  • carpentry repair in a few places in kitchen
  • Sunroom floor painted, sunroom walls painted?
  • wood trim around hearth
  • replace door in kitchen
  • add doorsweeps
  •  paint touch ups to kitchen cabinets

We’re so close!

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