Happy Halloween!
Pumpkin carving: We started the holiday festivities off at FHE on Tuesday when we carved pumpkins, halloween music playing. Scotland carved a scary face, Tom a Tiger, and I a bat. Anders painted a pumpkin. Tom had him help him clean out his pumpkin. At first Anders refused but finally got in on the fun.…
Absorption issues
If I check out a book and it sits on my desk where I can see it daily, I absorb the information right. Even if I never crack the cover? I’m endlessly requesting books at the library. I excitedly pick them up. I bring them home, I hold them tenderly. I put them on the…
My favorite things. . .
How excited my boys are to see each other after Scotland’s been away for preschool. They are such beloved friends. It means the world to me!
A few thoughts on fatherhood
I read a couple of articles in the NYTimes this afternoon. They both spoke of the role of fathers. This one spoke of how, even within the same household, brothers fare worse than sisters when disadvantaged. Researchers have been trying to define what is causing the gender gap, and how we can help boys. One…
Introducing the fifth member of our family!
A few weeks ago we got to see our third child. I wish I could verbalize how thrilling it is to see your baby for the first time. While my boys looked up and said “Oh” at the ambiguous smears of white and black moving across the screen, I saw my little peanut, curled up,…
Photo books- over documentation?
The last few weeks I’ve been working on Anders 0-2 year photo book. I use Picaboo and wait until they are running a special for unlimited pages for $40 and buy it up. So far I’m only up to 13 months and I’m already at 100 pages. And just now I realized there was a…
It's fall, we went on vacation
Summer has been over for a good month, but it’s really felt like it the last week or so. There’s been a culinary shift. We eat pretty seasonally, since the bulk of our diet is vegetable based. Butternut squash has replaced green beans, applesauce- fresh berries. Today I made a batch of Myrtle’s applesauce. Grandma…
Equality in parenting
My sister-in-law sent this article around our family a few days ago. I have many thoughts about it, but haven’t had a chance to share them. I’ll do so here. This article may be true for many couples. But I’m not sure it can be accurately said of mine. I think my husband’s job very…
Sunday thoughts
Oh agency, how we all wished for you, how God planned for you, but how hard it is to give you, use you. I work with the girls 12-18 years old at our church. Focusing mostly on the girls aged 14 and 15. It’s a tricky age group. They’re suddenly experiencing life through more questioning…
Sharing calendars with a neurologist
. . . I continue to be caught off guard every Wednesday when “Brain cutting” shows up as an event on my calendar.