The last few weeks I’ve been working on Anders 0-2 year photo book. I use Picaboo and wait until they are running a special for unlimited pages for $40 and buy it up. So far I’m only up to 13 months and I’m already at 100 pages. And just now I realized there was a whole trove of iphone pictures that I hadn’t gone through, and I got all panicky- but I’ve got to add this one when he started pulling himself up at the library, look at that smile- it’s got to be in the book, I never want to forget how round his belly was and how his belly button stuck, oh but that little hat he wore. . . I just don’t want to forget any part of this adorable boy. I love these photo books. They take ALOT of time, but Scotland adores his and looks at them on a regular basis. In fact just tonight, as I was working on Anders’ he called out, “Dad can you bring me my book about me?” (He’d brought it out to show me something earlier this afternoon.) I believe in record keeping. I believe it secures memories, helps focus our lives on the joyful things, and helps us be grateful. Not to mention pictures are typically of events, so they help us focus on the experiential side of life versus the material. All that being said, how many pictures do we really need of our lives. When has documentation gone too far? Is there a point when it shifts from memory keeping to self conceit?