Smoothies- summer goodness!
So, I don’t have a Blendtec blender, I have a Vitamix, but I do have a Blendtec grain mill, which I LOVE, so I feel fine advertizing for them here on my blog. Not to mention the rave reports my brother-in-law has given of what an impressive business model they have, combined with the excellent…
Strawberry Picking
On Saturday we went strawberry picking at Biringer Farms. The day was gorgeous, the strawberries ripe, and the scents incredible! I grew up picking strawberries in my back yard so paying to do so, always feels, well very city-slicker-ish. But this was worth every scent. For one, it was Tom’s first experience picking strawberries (besides…
Franklin Falls
On Monday we went for our first Seattle hike. It was absolutely gorgeous, and Scotland was in heaven. He loved the endless supply of sticks, rocks and water. I loved that he could throw anything anywhere, that he could run and jump and roll around and I didn’t have to advise him about what wasn’t…
Brain dump
We knew subletting would be hard. Well, it is. It’s hard to not have a “place” for things. It’s hard to feel constantly on edge that your increasingly rebellious and active two year old is going to do irreversible damage to someone else’s furniture/hardwood floors/walls. I feel constantly confused, out of place, stressed, and uncomfortable.…
Memorial Day
My parents and sisters came up Memorial Day weekend to help us move in, which was a HUGE help. Monday, however, we decided to abandon our work, and enjoy the holiday in downtown Seattle. One of the best choices we made was to take the bus in. It allowed my Dad especially to enjoy the…
Cross Country Road Trip!
Packed ready to go I took this picture moments before Lacey Cope came to pick me up to take me to the airport. Tom, Stan and Jeremy had left in the Penske and Camry fifteen minutes before. It was a bittersweet moment. I was grateful the year of planning and preparation was coming to an…
Dr. Thomas Jonathan Foutz
May 19, 2013 Tom received his MD and graduated from Medical School. Despite a heavy dose of jet lag, we were both very glad we made a point of attending his graduation. We also felt very grateful to have Tom’s dad, Stan, there for support. Where’s Waldo Tom? Reading the Hippocratic Oath I was surprised…
Tibetan children- I want one!
By the time we were in Tibet I was missing Scotland like crazy. I had this overwhelming desire to run up and grab every child I saw so I could just give them a big hug and kiss. Considering, how awkward that would have been for the child and family, I resorted to taking pictures:…
Update: We're in Seattle, we made an offer on a house. . .
So, we’re back from China, and have been for nearly two weeks now. (Though I have a few more posts about Tibet, just for my own record’s sake- and hopefully for your enjoyment.) It’s been a bit strange adjusting to “real life.” Grocery shopping, doing laundry, and attending to chores never felt more novel or…
Traveler's note
Here's a note from my journal: Eating a “bucket of noodles,” the Chinese equivalent of the $1 burger, at the airport. We ate several of these over the course of our trip. They're available everywhere and at 75cents-$1 you can't beat the price. The airports all provide boiling water. Yesterday was a travel day. We…