On Monday we went for our first Seattle hike. It was absolutely gorgeous, and Scotland was in heaven. He loved the endless supply of sticks, rocks and water. I loved that he could throw anything anywhere, that he could run and jump and roll around and I didn’t have to advise him about what wasn’t okay to jump on. He seemed so free and happy and I thought- this is where a boy belongs.
Running down the path
The trail followed a raging river with lots of gorgeous waterfalls.
Scotland has been really into performing lately. He’ll often ask you to sit on a certain chair and then he’ll climb up onto a bed, or ottoman and sing you a song. The forest provided many a stage. He’d instruct Tom and I to sit and then he’d climb up a hill and with microphone stick in hand, sing us a collection of self composed diddies. With bows in between.
The trail ended at Franklin Falls. I’d read it was a great trail for kids because of the opportunity to play in the falls at the end. This time of year, unfortunately, the falls were powerful, and much to violent to play in. They were impressive, however. The trail was one mile in, which proved the perfect distance for Scotland. We let him walk the whole way in, and then, for time’s sake, Tom carried him the majority of the way out.
It has been such a delight to have all this free time with Tom. Scotland is never happier than with his Dad.
We finished up at a campsite with a fire and smores. I figured Scotland would love the fire, but he preferred to sit at the picnic table with free access to the chocolate bars.
One of our family goals now that we’re in Seattle is to do more outdoor activities. Today’s plan: Strawberry picking!