Finding the hidden gems
One of the real treats of moving to a new place is how often you discover little gems in everyday life. This morning Scotland and I walked up and over the hill by our house to the playground. We enjoyed running around on the outdoor basketball courts, climbing through the “spider web” and imagining up…
A day downtown
We’ve been downtown several times since moving to Seattle, but we’ve always gone with Tom. Yesterday was the first time I ventured down by myself. It turned out to be no big deal, I got on and off the right buses without issue. Scotland being the champ that he generally is, was no problem, and…
I'm just a toddler in the realm of the Eternities
Feeding pigeons, squirrels, and blue jays. Yesterday afternoon, I had one of the most lovely afternoons I’ve had in a long time. I went over to a woman’s home from my church who had mentioned she had some strawberry plants and gladiolus bulbs that I could have. I figured I would be there fifteen minutes,…
If ye love me, feed my sheep.
My friend and mentor Rebecca Stay is serving a humanitarian mission with her husband in Europe for our church. She sends out updates from time to time on their goings and comings. Her e-mail last week really touched me. It’s so easy to look at the flaws of the church and religion in general. Many…
Making the most of it
Tom is required to get four days off a month- that is not in addition to weekends. And he’s just been meeting his requirement the last few months. Scotter wakes up nearly every morning, asking for his Dad only to cry when I tell him, that I’m sorry, he’s at work. You can’t imagine a…
Recognizing accomplishment
I’ve been feeling a bit down on myself lately. I guess I just haven’t felt like my list of accomplishments has been very admirable. My sister Adee pointed out, that I should stop calling myself “lazy,” when I visited a few weeks ago. And yet, that’s how I’ve been feeling. Too often, it seems I’ve…
Scotland Milestones: 31 months
Phrases/ funny word pronunciations: Dinosorn (Dinosaur) Muffins (Marshmallows) Hospital: Where kids with owies get better “Let’s talk!” – If Tom ever puts him to sleep they always do “talking” where Tom will lie on the floor next to Scotland’s bed and they’ll chat together. “Let’s run!” – Scotland is a running boy. I’ve purchased a…
Happy Fall!
Picture taken at Sky nursery two days ago. (Nothing like Sky to make me feel like emptying my wallet!)
Hike to Boardman Lake
We took advantage of the last day of summer to enjoy a stunning hike in Snohomish County Park. It was a gorgeous area, and impressively secluded, especially considering it was only an hour and a half from our house. Throwing rocks in the stream God is the greatest landscaper Wading- let’s just say…