Category: Life

  • How have I never had baked sweet potato before now? With a little butter and brown sugar on top- divine!

  • Purge!

    Maybe it’s spring, or perhaps the raft of visitors we are looking forward to this month, but I’m seeing my home with new eyes and feel like its time to purge!

  • Privacy

    I wish I had a place in my yard where I could go where I didn’t have to worry about small dogs attacking me, neighbors gawking, or loud phone conversations. A place where I could lay out a blanket, lie down and write in my journal without being observed by the whole neighborhood. I wish…

  • Scotland's first bike

    Doesn’t he look like a politician passing through town waving to his constituents? A big thanks goes out to Tom’s lab. They generously provided the Target giftcard that purchased this bike!

  • For a laugh. . .

    I’m not sure why, but this really cracks me up.

  • Want a trip around the world?

    Check out Eric Lafforgue’s flickr albums. Amazing!

  • Ugh!

    Scotter and I have both been sick for the last two weeks. Scotter just finished up his round of antibiotics, but still seems to be suffering from something- as he’s still clingy, easily upset, and isn’t eating well. I have the worst sinus congestion I’ve ever had. We’re talking: I can’t smell, and my taste…

  • Erin Durham

    Erin Durham, Mary Price, Scotland and I Last week I was lucky enough to spend a morning with my dear college room mate, Erin Durham. Erin and I dormed together my sophomore and junior years at Oberlin. She is a dear friend, and great inspiration. I’ve never known anyone who loves learning more- and that’s…

  • Oops!

    My sister-in-law Adrienne gave me a three month subscription to Birchbox for Christmas. (Basically I get a little gift box of beauty samples each month.) I’ve only recieved January’s so far, but have really enjoyed it. I tried blue nail polish for the first time, which I originally disliked. It has since grown on me.…

  • Too much

    I’m feeling stressed. I want to do it all. I want to take Scotland to this gym that has free entrance all week. I want to visit Mable. I have a dentist appointment- that I don’t want to go to but I have to. I want to sing. I want to finish spray painting my…