So the day after Devin left, my parents came into town, and a few days later Derek followed suit.
We took Grandma and Dantzi to the zoo. It was a overcast day with a light mist from time to time- which meant there were few people at the zoo, but the animals were very active. We saw two young male giraffes doing some sort of bum-whopping ritual. They would walk around in a circle and take turns smacking the other on the bum with their head. I thought that was just a HS football thing. We saw the hippo walking around, which was a first for us. And Dantzi, Mom and Scotland got to watch a fierce encounter between two gorillas and a seeing eye dog. Let’s just say, thank goodness there was glass in between!
It was fun to go with my Mom. I grew up visiting zoos, my Mom loves animals and seeing her pass on that affection to my son was very endearing. She taught me, I realized, how to love a zoo. Unlike some, who just want to see the animal and pass by, my Mom trained us, by example, to wait and watch. We’re slow zoo goers, as a result, but we’ve seen some amazing things!
Making paper out of elephant poo. Yup, you read right. Scotland was definitely hesitant but intrigued enough to take part.
Dantzi- ever wanting to help. I was really impressed by her ability to “Observe, and then serve.” Her skills in that regard are very advanced for her age.
Meanwhile, back at the home front my Dad labored away on a fort for his grandson. (He skipped the zoo of his own accord.) My Dad’s building skills always impress me. His father was famous for pulling together scrap wood and making beautiful things. My dad has the same sense for using what’s around and making it work.(For example he cut the majority of the 2×4’s with the pathetic saw he is holding before he finally caved and went and bought a circular saw.) He built an awesome fort for Scotland- of which Scotter is very proud. I love that both grandpa’s and aunt, an uncle and his Mom have all worked on his fort. Now we just need Tom to help put on the roof, so he can be in the mix too!
I love when my Dad visits. I see a different side of him when he’s in my home- he’s more chipper, more playful, and more relaxed. I love it, and so do my boys.
We took Dantzi on her first ferry ride (well that she’ll be able to remember.) It was a perfect day, warm with a brilliant blue sky. Seattle, my friends, is divine this time of year.
Three look-alikes, no?
My parents and their baby.
Scotland quickly took to Derek. He LOVED his silly, playful nature. As proven above. Scotland laughed and laughed with him. As I was looking at these pictures I noticed Scotland’s arms around Derek in the picture several above this one. It’s rare for Scotland to be really affectionate like that in pictures. It made me realize two things: one, how much it means to me that my children have a relationship with my siblings, and two, how much Scotland loves silliness and playing. It was a good reminder that I need to lighten up and just be goofy with him more. He craves it.
Anders was equally a fan of Uncle Derek.
Dantzel and Scotland watching the school of fish off the dock.
It was a great weekend, and I felt really lucky to be able to treat my folks and sister to a fun “end of summer” vacation.