Mt. Rainier
Tom and I celebrated our seven year anniversary last weekend. It was a totally spontaneous trip. Thursday night we were chatting about what we should do on Tom’s day off on Saturday. As we started looking at our weekends we realized it was our only free weekend before our anniversary. Considering the gorgeous weather predicted, we decided “why not?” We booked a room in a nearby hotel and headed off the next morning. Too add to our luck, Tom’s half day was entirely cancelled Friday so we made it to the park by early afternoon.
The trout pond behind our hotel.
Tom and I hiked Mt. Rainier on our honeymoon, and while I’m determined to hike to base camp on our 10th, we thought it would be fun to take the boys for some more relaxed hiking this year. The weekend was lovely. Scotland was a tremendous hiker (thanks to our bi-monthly hiking group!) and Anders, as always, was perfectly content being snuggled up tight with his mommy all day. Scotland probably hiked two miles on Saturday and Tom carried him in the backpack the rest.
When we hiked the mountain seven year ago it was during the beginning of July. There was a significant difference in the amount of snow, climbing a month earlier. Before we hiked a good two miles before we hit snow, this time we were in snow the minute we left the parking lot. Deep snow! It made it nearly impossible for Scotland to hike- though he tried hard. He enjoyed slipping and falling into the soft snow over and over, at first. Then his hands got cold and he grew frustrated.
We hiked until I started to get nervous about the safety of our two boys- as you can see the trail wound along this rather steep hill, I could just see Scotland jumping off to the side and becoming a snowball as he rolled down the hill. (I later learned six people died on Rainier the weekend we were there. Obviously, they were climbing much higher than we were.) We turned around and decided to spend the rest of the day hiking elsewhere in the park where there wasn’t a snowpack.
I carried Anders the whole day in the Ergo. At one point at the top of a rather steep and difficult stretch of snow-laden trail we passed an Asian couple. The fellow looked at me and with little English simply said, “Respect!” (I’ll admit to feeling pretty proud of myself.)
Being out in nature with my two boys is probably my favorite way to parent. It’s an especially lovely activity with Anders, because I can hold him, while also doing something I love.
The brown hill in the foreground is the snow scrapped from the parking lot.
One of our favorite memories from our honeymoon was discovering glissading (sliding down steep slopes on your bum.) As we thought, Scotland was equally enamored! One chute was particularly steep. He flew down, his eyes wide and unsure but when he reached the bottom where Tom was he laughed and squealed uncontrollably! Anders wasn’t sure he was a fan, but considering the awkward position he was in on my front, we’ll give him a pass.
Scotland was beyond thrilled to have the weekend with his Dad. They had a blast chasing each other down the trails, chatting endlessly, joking and trying out different walking sticks. (Scotland took to using two walking sticks.)
Scotland mostly wanted to walk, which we encouraged, but we were both happy from time to time when he would agree to get into the backpack so we could pick up the pace a little. I was really proud of his hiking stamina. I think our bi-monthly hiking group has really taught him the joy of hiking. He was a great balance of stopping to admire, and forging ahead on the trail. The entire weekend he had a stick in one hand and a nosegay in the other.
Carter Falls
It was fun to think that seven years and one month earlier we had trekked around this same mountain as newlyweds. I had flashbacks several times and loved remembering how giddy in love we were. I was touched realizing that, really, not much has changed. I’m still crazy about Tom. We still live a life of joy and adventure. We’ve added two boys to our family, which has increased the laughter and love in our home. As we reflected on our married life, we both agreed that we’re still both really happy about how it’s panned out. We’ve taken things slower than some (we dated for three years, were married for three years before having Scotland, and our boys are three years apart. Isn’t there something about the number 3 and perfection? wink wink. It’s working for us.) That being said, Happy Anniversary, Babe. Here’s for three more. . . and three more. . . and three more. . .
Tom and I on our honeymoon.