After our visit in Phoenix, we headed to Tucson to spend the rest of the week with Tom's parents. We had a wonderful time. Stan got to meet Anders for the first time, and both boys got a lot of bonding time with both grandparents. Both Pam and Stan are such attentive adoring grandparents. Stan would grab up Anders any time he had the chance. Anders loved it when Stan would place him belly-down on his legs and pat his back. It was rare that Stan couldn't calm Anders down. Stan taught Scotland how to make fresh corn tortillas using a tortilla press, warmed up the spa whenever Scotter wanted to go “swimming” and took him on several walks and outings. Scotland specifically requested one of Poppa's stories before bed our last night there. Pam took Scotter to the library to pick out a bunch of books one of the first days we were there. Scotter loved her dynamic reading style and seeing them cuddled up together on the couch reading always made me smile. Pam made Scotter breakfast each morning and built many a duplo creation upon his request. In addition to these, Pam showed her love in many less noticeable ways, an impecibly clean house, a delicious meals, clean laundry, a planned stay.
It was the perfect time to visit Tucson. The temperature was in the high 70's low 80's, and the sun was ever present. We ate outside at least once a day, and they set up a playroom on their back patio for Scotland. (I've added outdoor playroom to my list of dream home requirements. wink wink!)
We had a fun outing to the Pima County Air Museum. On our way there we got to drive past the “boneyard” where hundreds of retired military airplanes are stored. We had a blast playing in the flight simulators with Scotland. I find museums like this so inspiring. First, it's incredible to think of the creativity and engineering that went into each of those vehicles. Then it's amazing to think of the women and men that filled them. Dedicating their lives to their country and the pursuit of justice around the world. I'll have to admit visiting museums of this kind (well probably every kind) with Tom and his parents always reminds me of the difference of intelligence between us. They all chatted on about the various planes, the missions they went on, the people who flew them, etc. while I was wishing I remembered the kind of plane my own Grandpa flew. I married into a very bright family!