Last month Scotland and I enjoyed a day at the historic Ballard Locks. The locks separate freshwater Lake Union and Lake Washington from the salt water Puget Sound, allowing Lake Union to remain at itss higher level while also allowing boats to traverse between the two bodies of water. Amazingly they also have a system to assure that the salt water does contaminate the two fresh water lakes, and also provide a fish ladder for migratory salmon- with a viewing area where you can see the fish below. It came highly recommended (at least by online reviewers) and we couldn’t have agreed more.
By a stroke of luck, Google Maps led us astray and landed us on the wrong side of the locks, and right at the Fisherman’s terminal where we enjoyed walking along the docks and seeing the wide assortment of boats.
I love how the anchor looks like a small moustache below those big square eyes!
I loved seeing the prestine yahts beside working boats like this.
Our boat viewing continued at the locks, where we enjoyed boats big and small- this time in motion. Notice the bridge in the background. When Scotland first noticed it (before me) he said “The bridge is broken!” I explained how the bridge lifts up to allow tall boats to pass underneath, and then returns to it’s original position to allow trains to pass. To Scotland’s delight we saw a train cross it towards the end of our visit.
We lucked out and were there during a high migratory time, so the fish ladder was brimming with salmon.
It was such a fun day. I couldn’t have been more proud of Scotland for his attention and focus. Between the locks and the surrounding gardens we were there a good three hours, and he enjoyed every minute of it. It thrills me to see Scotland developing into a child who delights in even simple things.
As we left the locks the smell of fish and chips was permeating the air. My pregnancy cravings got the best of me, and I splurged on a two piece cod meal for Scotland and I to share. It was the perfect ending to a lovely morning. The only thing that would have made it better- having Tom with us.
Fortunately, Scotter transitioned from his car seat into his bed seamlessly, so I still got a much needed nap. Outings were definitely my salvation during the first trimester! Not only did they entertain Scotland, but they wore him out so we could both nap afterwards.