Adding a little sun to my hair

My sisters and I had a highlighting party over Christmas. I was ultra conservative and the slight lightening we added, was only noticeable to me. Now, a few months later, I looked at my hair and moaned at its drab, flat quality. Oh, how I’d love a bit more dimension. Certainly I could do it myself, right? During nap time on Monday I searched videos on “highlighting your own hair.” I watched a few and was determined. That afternoon, Scotland and I had a field trip to Sally’s Beauty Supply and that evening I went for it. With Tom working a late night shift- there was no one to stop me! Not like he ever would. I decided to follow this method, and scrapped foils. I figured I didn’t want a really defined layer, I wanted a more natural look. If the sun doesn’t divide strands why should I? I mixed up a bit of Clairol 20 Volume Creme Developer with some Clairol Powder Lightener until it represented a thick cream. Fast forward through a process that loosely mimiced the youtube video linked above. When I notice my first strand was getting pretty blonde I panicked, but the top highlights had only been in around 10 minutes. I tried to wash the product from the first few strands, then waited a few more minutes- then, ever the conservative, worried I would end up with uber-blonde streaks I quickly rinsed it out. The result was a slight lightening- similar to what I had down at Christmas. Why am I so cautious?
Wednesday night I decided to have at it again. Since I’d only used about half the packet of powder lightener before, I mixed up another small batch and started at the top of my hair this time. Boldened by experience, I applying more product and in slightly larger swatches. Hoping for a that “natural” look I also picked through the sections so that the product would slightly spread to surround hairs. 

Notice how I combed in the product so it wasn’t so clearly defined.

I gave the most attention to places where my hair lightens naturally– whispies, and the hair framing my face. Then did strands towards the middle and back of my head to add dimension.

I’d read that one of the purposes of the foils is to retain heat and moisture. Both of which are essential to a good highlight. To achieve something similar I actually ended up putting a plastic grocery bag around my hair and then blow drying it. (A shower cap would have been slightly more glamorous!)

Final product- (pardon the late night, gotta-send-to-my sister phone pictures)

My first reaction to the second lightening job was- Ugh! Yikes! Did I do too much? Does it look orange? (Tom who, this time, was hanging out in the room with me, assured me that it looked great, that he loved it, and after I continued to bemoan how bad it looked- “Fine, just wait and talk to your sisters or girlfriends and let them tell you it looks great. Then maybe you’ll believe me.”) I’ll admit to being flattered by how much he liked it. It’s always nice to please the hubs. (Tom’s never been much into blondes. He always thought he’d marry a brunette. I think I might harbor more insecurity than I realized at my love of a sunkissed look. The choice to highlight was made inspite of him. So, seeing his eyes light up- made my day.) 

To my great satisfaction my besty from college didn’t even notice my highlights, when I asked if she noticed she said, “No, I just thought you’d been out in the sun.” When I got together with my bud Jen this afternoon she simply said “Wow, your hairdo looks great.” But didn’t say; Oh! You got highlights. Now that the original shock has worn off, I’m delighted. Proud that I did something “daring” (for me!), happy that it turned out so well, and content that for less then $5.00 I have the sunkissed look I was craving.

Plus, I learned some things for next time. Wear gloves- it’s simply stupid not to. Next time buy a dust-free lightening powder. (Notice that this product says “dust-free”.) The stuff I used left a white dust around the vanity. I wish I’d done a slightly thinner section at my right temple. And I wish I would have applied more product down to the end of the hair. I feel like I got the most lightening right up by my face, but don’t have those pretty light strands continuing down through my hair. (I might go back and do this later.) 

So there you have it- If the sun won’t come out, I’ll make the sun!


5 responses to “Adding a little sun to my hair”

  1. So impressed!!! Haha, I think it is funny that right after I left Oberlin you decided to highlight you hair, because right after I left Oberlin I considered canceling my hair appointment to have highlights done after I saw how beautiful your hair was without any color. I too am a blonde that has lost a bit of her blonde over the years, and now I have to “help” it along a bit. Anyway, I kept the appointment and I love how natural my new stylist makes it look – just like when I was younger. It is vanity perhaps, but I love being blonde too! Your highlights look completely natural (way to go!), and honestly, if you had not been totally forthcoming with the how-to, I would have never known otherwise – still beautiful, just a little more sunny.

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