Decorating doldrums
Perhaps it’s the change of weather, the fact that it’s dark so much earlier, that my shades are drawn longer, or that we’re inside more, but I’ve felt an overwhelming desire to decorate my house. To make it cozy, inviting. To make it- me. I pulled out the frames, the nails, the hammer, determined to make…
Mom, Dad and Derek enter the picture
So the day after Devin left, my parents came into town, and a few days later Derek followed suit. We took Grandma and Dantzi to the zoo. It was a overcast day with a light mist from time to time- which meant there were few people at the zoo, but the animals were very active.…
Devin and Dantzi's visit
This has been the most family-filled August I’ve had- since, well, probably moving away for college. Seriously, all but two of my siblings visited our home last month, and the two that didn’t, I saw at my folks. It’s been wonderful! I’ve already catalogued the first three family events: reunion, Karlsven visit, and Grandma and Poppa…
This is what a summer looks like- at the Foutzes
I’m far over due to post. And yet I have little desire to write about what we’ve been up to. I fear it would just be a travelogue, which is generally unexciting to those who weren’t riding along. And yet I want to document the wonderful times we’ve had and the memories we’ve made with family.…
Anders: 6 month milestones
Our baby is six months today. I just can’t believe that half a year has passed since he was born. We just adore our little Anderoo. His high spirited, smiley personality has brought such joy to our family. I did a photo shoot this morning to celebrate his half-year birthday. Enjoy. Anders has a big personality.…
Update on the boys
Scotland: Glissading on Mt. Rainier “This is my best!” (as in, this is my favorite!) He’s very interested in sayings, and is always proud when he uses one, his current favorites are: “Keep your eyes out!” “Keep your eyes peeled.” “I don’t have any hands.” His likes to understand everything I’m saying, and as a result…
Always wanted voice lessons? Now's your chance!
I’m starting up my singing studio again. (I’ve been on long hiatus since we moved here- being pregnant, having a new child, etc.) If you hear of anyone who is interested in voice/singing lessons please feel free to give them my contact information. (kjirsti.foutz@gmail.com) That being said, if you are interested, I’d love to give…
Happy Father's Day!
Tom and his “three” boys- teddy included! This picture makes me tear up. There’s just so much love. These boys have one loving, patient, attentive, and playful father. Wish you were home today so we could celebrate, Tom. But alas, we’ll spend the day talking about all the things we love about you, like normal!…
Anders: 4 months
Here’s our happy little guy at 4 months. Anders is an incredibly smiley little guy. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve turned around in a line to find several adults competing to see who could get a bigger smile from him. He smiles in a wide-mouth full bodied way- his head swinging back…
Skagit Valley Tulip Festival
Today was as perfect a day as a day can be. In my previous post I mentioned I wanted to work on having more “family” time. Well check, check for me! Today fulfilled that desire in every way. It was near perfection: relaxed morning all together, walking in puddles with Scotter, wearing Anders in the…