Rocking Chair Thoughts
I spend a fair amount of time these days rocking. I love it. It gives me time to think, as well as time to silently love. There is nothing sweeter than the abundant love one feels when a newborn lays his tiny head on your shoulder and slowly falls asleep. I’ve tried to make sure…
A Name and a Blessing
The main reason for our family’s visit was that on Sunday Scotland was given a name and a blessing. I was surprised by how proud and excited I felt. The name and blessing is a tradition or cultural aspect of our church. It doesn’t hold the sanctity of an ordinance like baptism or temple sealing,…
Foutz Family visit
This past weekend we were lucky enough to be visited by Poppa Foutz, Aunt Cassie, Uncle Doug and Cousin Archer. They came out for Scotland’s blessing. Despite illness shared by all (except Scotland and I), we had a wonderful visit. The highlight of the trip was just seeing each of the family members interact with…
Taking time to cherish
It was about a week before I realized that Scotland was loosing his hair on the top of his head. (P.S. It’s already growing back in nicely.) I was sitting there nursing him and suddenly thought, “Wait! Didn’t he have thick hair on top too?!” A quick reference to an early picture affirmed my memory.…
Happy 1 Month Birthday!
Where did the month go? I am absolutely stunned that four weeks have passed already. Wow! Meanwhile, this little guy has completely consumed my life, but no worries, I’ve been happy to hand it over to him. I think this photo appropriately shows the sort of “reign” our son has in our lives. No, Scotland…
My two boys
There is nothing sweeter than seeing these two curled up together. Scotland loves his dad, and Tom is excellent with the baby. I’m so blessed!
Happy St. Patricks Day!
Even though Scotland is starting to loose his hair on the top of his head. . .his eyes are getting more and more beautiful. Here’s a few shots from today that capture some of their beauty and intensity.
Faces: Week 3
The many faces of Scotland Foutz
Sorry Scotter, I know these aren’t the most complimentary, but everyone wants to see what you look like these days.
The help
The great thing about any life experience is that it helps you relate with others. I couldn’t agree more with Vicki Iovine’s opinion in “The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy” that motherhood is a sorority and labor is the ultimate hazing. Until experiencing it, I had little understanding for the help needed after pregnancy. My mother…