4 months
Scotland is 4 months old today. This is such a fun age. He is so playful, vocal, and alert. His skills:raising each eyebrow individuallysquealing, braying, gargling, sighing, cooing, cussing (or so his inflections suggest)speed rolling- the stop,drop, and roll kindleaning his head upside down so he can see behind him- usually at his Dadplaying with…
Scotland is at such a fun age. He’s super smiley, loves to play, loves to jabber and still loves to cuddle.
Scotland’s new rolling skills means that I often find him in strange positions in his crib. Today, probably in an attempt to stay cool, he propped up his feet against the bumper. He prefers to sleep like his Dad, very twisted!Yes, he has socks on his hands. He has taken to scratching his head while…
Oh my! What have I done! Hee, hee, hee! Apparently Scotland already has a sense for the dramatic.
Three Months
Scotland was three months old on Tuesday. The early days when I noted every minute are over, and now the time is passing far too quickly. The most notable change in Scotland is his ability to interact with the world around him. He loves his toys. He can now grab them, and is often found…
Fresh and clean!
My outdoor boy
This isn’t the best picture but it’s a cute subject so I posted it anyway. Here’s Scotland at 9 weeks. This week: Scotland has started playing with toys! He’ll grab at them, smile at them, and even squeal when he sees them. Yesterday he grabbed his little elephant and stuck it in his mouth. Later,…
Magical Child
When I was pregnant I used to openly hope, and secretly doubt, that I would have one of those magical children who politely announce they are tired and then lie down happily to take naps. The concept fascinated me. I had never witnessed such an act amongst my own family, but had marveled several times…
Yesterday Scotland got his first round of vaccinations. Despite the doctor’s assurance that the most likely side effect was no side effect, Scotland spent the rest of the day with a low grade fever. Instead of his typical alert happy self, he would just lay his little head on my shoulder and whimper. He was…