4 months

Scotland is 4 months old today.

This is such a fun age. He is so playful, vocal, and alert.
His skills:
raising each eyebrow individually
squealing, braying, gargling, sighing, cooing, cussing (or so his inflections suggest)
speed rolling- the stop,drop, and roll kind
leaning his head upside down so he can see behind him- usually at his Dad
playing with toys, grabbing, squeezing, swinging, chomping
lots and lots of smiling
double fisting it- both hands in the mouth at once
rubbing his eyes
scratching his head
turning the pages of a book (happened once)
holding his passy with his hands (one day he even succeeded in wiggling himself over to it in the crib and getting it in his mouth somehow!)
playing by himself
smiling at himself in the mirror

He likes structure. He is happiest when he gets regular naps in his crib.
He LOVES his Dad. Seriously, sometimes I get jealous.
He loves to be outside. He loves to be in the baby bjorn, and he loves his swing.
He still blows lots of bubbles, and yesterday his shirt was completely soaked from the saliva generated from sucking on his hands.
He has been good at the babysitters several times.

We love you Scotland, Happy 4 month Birthday (Doesn’t that call for cake?! wink!)


2 responses to “4 months”

  1. that is so cute! he looks a lot like you . but kind of looks like tom when he’s looking down in the first picture of faces . i love the one with the crazy lips!
    love, brecki

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