This morning Scotland signed “Please” several times. He also blew kisses for the first time.
Milestones 11 mo
I feel like Scotland has pushed his development dial up to hyperspeed this last week. He’s starting to communicate a lot more. Pointing at things, waving goodbye, indicating come here, signing “all done,” sharing toys and food, and giving “thank you” hugs. This morning he climbed on top of one of the little chairs in…
So blessed
My friend Jen Madsen watches Scotland on Wednesdays while I teach. I was so nervous about leaving him and made a special effort to find someone who would love him and provide a good environment for him. Jen has surpassed by hopes. Scotland adores her, and loves his time at their house. She just sent…
11 months
Scotter will be eleven months in two days, and soon after a year. I’ve started to put last years blog onto Adobe InDesign so I can eventually publish it. Reading over last January’s posts has made me reflect over this past year. I wrote on the 26th of January 2011: The last nine months have…
Feeling sentimental
I’ve been feeling very sentimental lately. Scotland has started to wean himself during the day. He primarily only nurses in the early morning and for a bit before bed. He rarely nurses before or after naps. It has severely cut down on our cuddle time and it makes me so sad. He gets up from…
Some of Scotter’s latests: -going up and DOWN stairs by himself. (I’m so proud!) -pointing at objects in books -climbing in baskets and bins -waving bye (he did this for the first time today- all on his own- to some random stranger’s car at Costco) -waking up Dad (This morning after I lifted him out…
It's been one of those mornings. . .
It started when I went to change Scotland’s diaper moments after I saw him fill it. As I went to take off his pants I came out with poo all over my hand. This happened several more times as I tried to undress him and clean him up. Then off to the shower we went.…
Dave Rigg's Photography
I mention this in the below post, but you really must check out Dave Rigg’s photography- if you want to see a bunch of darling pictures of our boy. Dave is Tom’s twin cousin growing up- they were inseparable. He’s an incredible artist, and dear friend. He just went around shooting these as we were…
Christmas 2011
I struggle to write posts about vacations. Travelogues bore me, but I want to document memories. The fact that those that participated in these experiences will likely read this, only adds to the difficulty. There’s the opportunity to publicly express gratitude for those who took us in and provided fun experiences, but then maybe thank…
Milestones: 9.5 Months
Here’s Scotter’s latest: -emptying baskets, bins, shelves, and drawers of their contents. -digging in the trashcan, eating out of the trashcan. (We may have a Freegan on our hands!) We keep Grandma’s Nativity on the low shelf of this tea cart- Scotter loves to crawl on top to play -carrying around small objects for long…