I’ve been feeling very sentimental lately. Scotland has started to wean himself during the day. He primarily only nurses in the early morning and for a bit before bed. He rarely nurses before or after naps. It has severely cut down on our cuddle time and it makes me so sad. He gets up from bed and instead of wanting to be held he wants to be immediately put down so he can crawl around and play. I guess those days when he would run his tiny fingers through my hair are over. He fell asleep in my arms yesterday, after nursing for the first time in a while. I just held him and rocked, back and forth, back and forth savoring the moment. My baby is so quickly becoming a little boy.
I love that he can now sit next to me on the piano bench and play. I love that he’s gaining an interest in books. We build a fort together a few days ago and had a blast crawling through it. But, oh, how I will miss our sweet quiet times.