Milestones 11 mo

  • I feel like Scotland has pushed his development dial up to hyperspeed this last week. He’s starting to communicate a lot more. Pointing at things, waving goodbye, indicating come here, signing “all done,” sharing toys and food, and giving “thank you” hugs. This morning he climbed on top of one of the little chairs in his room, then holding the back of it stood up and started rocking back and forth! As long as he’s allowed to move, he’s happy. 
  • He loves other kids. He wasn’t on my lap put a minute at the library, when he saw another boy playing and slipped down to join him. He played happily for two hours while we were at the temple on Saturday- surrounded by a roomful of older kids. 
  • He loves his Dad. Tom has been able to spend more time with Scotter the past two months and they have become the best of buds. 
  • He’s started to go downstairs to play all by himself. The other day Tom was in the kitchen cooking and Scotter went downstairs. After a little bit, Tom didn’t hear him so he followed him down. Scotland was sitting in the dark in the pantry staring up at the stacks of baby food. 
  • He continues to be a stellar eater. He loves bread. When I bring it out he will shake with excitement. 
  • He seems to know animals a part from inanimate objects. He will often kiss his toy animals whether stuffed or plastic. 
  • He continues to love to dance and sing.
  • Bear crawl (The other day he kept doing downward dog with one leg in split!)
  • smacks lips to make a popping sound
  • Often says “Uh-ss”
  • Developing more and more of a sense of humor- especially to physical comedy. He loves it when I “eat” him like a corn on the cob and when Tom rubs his feet together.
  • walking confidently with one hand
  • steps between furniture, took three steps to me the other day. not interested in standing on is own unassisted
  • makes sound effect by moving fist back and forth across his mouth 

Last week at the library Scotland discovered the library cart. He was so thrilled with his ability to push it around. At one point he pushed it into the racks of books, and it got stuck. He proceeded to put his whole body weight into pushing it free. I had never seen him do that before and was shocked. He’s a strong little guy, and very determined.

Scotland thinks this magazine holder is his personal hammock. 

He continues to love small things- single hairs, dustballs, scraps of paper and crumbs. He readies his pincer grasp far above the object and with careful detail brings it down precisely centered around the object squeezing gently to avoid squishing it- much like a martial artist trying to catch a fly with chopsticks. 

I’m not sure you can beat the feeling  you get when a little baby squeals and starts crawling like mad toward you when they see you- all smiles!

After Scotland crawled over to me, I sat him on my lap and showed him the pictures I had taken of him. He pointed and smiled. He then crawled to this spot, turned around and made this face. A pose? – sure seemed like it! 

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