A day downtown
We’ve been downtown several times since moving to Seattle, but we’ve always gone with Tom. Yesterday was the first time I ventured down by myself. It turned out to be no big deal, I got on and off the right buses without issue. Scotland being the champ that he generally is, was no problem, and…
Recognizing accomplishment
I’ve been feeling a bit down on myself lately. I guess I just haven’t felt like my list of accomplishments has been very admirable. My sister Adee pointed out, that I should stop calling myself “lazy,” when I visited a few weeks ago. And yet, that’s how I’ve been feeling. Too often, it seems I’ve…
What kind of Mother would you like to be?
I’ve probably commented on this conversation before, but for some reason it returns to me over and over again. Tom said “Kjirsti, I hope you will choose what kind of mother you want to be, not just be like so and so or so and so.” I contested, “It’s not that easy. . .” He…
Organizing banter
Tom had the day off, and took Scotter for the afternoon/evening to a Star Trek convention he is attending with a friend from out of town. It’s been a LONG time since I had this much free time! I created a long list last night in preparation, mostly it entailed organizing our home. I’m eager…
Hiram M Chittenden Locks- Ballard Locks
Last month Scotland and I enjoyed a day at the historic Ballard Locks. The locks separate freshwater Lake Union and Lake Washington from the salt water Puget Sound, allowing Lake Union to remain at itss higher level while also allowing boats to traverse between the two bodies of water. Amazingly they also have a system…
Announcement, Announcement!
We’d like to publicly announce that we’re expecting another baby! Baby Foutz #2 will arrive around the end of January. We couldn’t be more pleased with the new addition, and only wish the due date was tomorrow! Profile at 14 weeks Our little peanut Any of you who have followed my blog for a while…
Summer with Scotter
Awaiting the Wallingford Parade So far, Scotland has proved to be an excited and adventurous summer companion. He loves bouncing from playground to playground, zoo to library, and then off to city festivals and local attractions. His energy and need for movement have brought us out of the house and on to the streets…
Birdseed Waffles
Scotland woke up this morning requesting pancakes. In keeping with our “Enjoy Cleveland” week, I thought, why not? So we headed downstairs, tied on some aprons and had at it. We made a slight digression from pancakes to waffles when I found a recipe I had printed out a few weeks ago for multi-grain waffles…
Happy 2nd Birthday, Scotland Jazey Caprezi!
This year has been one of the brightest of my life- thanks to you. I never comprehended how much love and joy motherhood would bring. Happy Birthday bug. Your father and I love you like crazy.
I struggle with the concept of success. I want desparately to be a “successful” person, but often I get confused with what that really means. Too often I get wrapped up in capitalism’s measure of success: income. Today, I read a definition that resonated with me. From W. Stephen Smith’s book “The Naked Voice:” Success…