Visit to Grandma and Poppa's
We just returned from a fantastic visit to Grandma and Poppa Pete’s place. Here’s a few pictures: The main reason we came up was to hear my youngest sister Dantzel solo with her youth orchestra. She played beautifully, and I beamed with pride the entire time. She wakes up every morning at 5:30 so she…
Baby Visitors: Foutzes
A few days after my family left Tom’s mom flew in, and a few days after that his sister, Adrienne. It was wonderful to have them and all their help. They kept up the pattern of entertaining Scotter in the mornings while I slept in, and kept me sleep positive by letting me get a…
Baby Visitors: Petersen's
My Mom and Dad were the first visitors to see Anders. We had been going back and forth on the best time for my Mom to come out. Tom originally was going to get the six days following Anders's birth off, but then we got realizing it would be great for the NICU team if…
Re-entering life
It'a 4AM, and I really should be sleeping, but after a particularly refreshing 4 1/2 hour stretch of sleep the creative portion of my brain has been reignited and I feel an overwhelming desire, even need, to write. I've laid unsuccessfully trying to turn off the flood of words, but as blog post after blog…
Anders Cyril Foutz: The Birth Story
Warning this is a birth story, birthing is beautiful, but messy business. You’re warned. This is a terrible picture, and was taken a week before Anders was born, but it’s the closest I have to the “going into the hospital” belly shot. I might have had a few other things on my mind! At midnight…
I know I should be going back to bed, but I want to record these feelings while they’re still so fresh. Holding you tonight, Anders, your head tucked warmly under my chin and your body, wrapped tight as a package, pressed against my chest, I smiled and was immersed in joy. I want you to…
Challenging my "smile more" resolve
I keep waking up around 2AM, just to realize that the reason for my awakening is not painful contractions. This is typically followed by a wave of grumpiness. In attempts to stay positive, here's my list of perks for prolonged pregnancy: –Quality Time with Scotland: Having left my schedule open, because I feel less than…
Having "the glow"- choosing to smile
Last week was rough. I was uncomfortable, my hands and feet (and whole body) would itch so badly at night that I couldn’t sleep. My nails were sore from the constant scratching. I was crabby and done being pregnant. Then I remembered that my new year’s resolution was to smile more. I wrote a post about…
Christmas 2013
Tom had five days off this Christmas. The four days leading up to Christmas and Christmas day. Because we wanted to savor every minute of that time, we decide against traveling anywhere. Instead we enjoyed a cozy quiet Christmas at home. Because Scotter’s too young to know otherwise, and because we thought it would be…
Six months down celebration and the Gipsy All-stars
December marked the half-way mark for Tom’s intern year. To celebrate we decided to try out Ray’s Boat House, a restaurant a friend recommended. It was a typical Seattle day, overcast and moody- perfect for sitting near the window watching the boats go out while enjoying some scrumptious seafood. Scotland as you can see was…