Christmas Ramblings
I just love this time of year. Our boys are too young to be caught up in all the stress and busy-ness of school parties, end of the year concerts, and whatnot. So while so many are running around stressed and overwhelmed, as of yet this is a very special intimate time of year for…
My favorite things. . .
How excited my boys are to see each other after Scotland’s been away for preschool. They are such beloved friends. It means the world to me!
Photo books- over documentation?
The last few weeks I’ve been working on Anders 0-2 year photo book. I use Picaboo and wait until they are running a special for unlimited pages for $40 and buy it up. So far I’m only up to 13 months and I’m already at 100 pages. And just now I realized there was a…
I choose life!
Yesterday, I was thinking about our hardwood floors. It makes the most sense to install new floors in the kitchen, and then refinish the upstairs so that it all matches. But then I got worrying that doing so would create a situation where I was uptight about my floors because they are only going to…
Gotta boast. . .
Yesterday, my hubs put nine recessed lights in our kitchen- it’s glorious! (While I know he mostly did it to show me he loves me, I can’t help but think it’s also his sneaky way of getting me to stay in Seattle after residency- If he can’t give me more days of sunshine at least he…
So many thoughts …
So we’re renovating our kitchen. It’s an thrilling prospect and I feel beyond blessed to have the opportunity at all. That being said it’s also entirely overwhelming. I’ll get all excited about making it this dream kitchen, this “me” kitchen, this stylish kitchen and then I’ll get all befuddled about what that even means. I’m drawn…
Honoring Ancestors- Bear River City, UT
The bend in the Bear River, where Ane likely had her dug out. En route to Provo to visit my brother, Devin, the boys and I stopped in Bear River City. This was a much anticipated trip for me. You see, my paternal great-great-great-grandmother, Ane Larsen Andersen, was the first to settle the area. I like…
Christmas thoughts
Be prepared for random, though hopefully not intelligible, spewing. We decided to do Christmas cards this year. It’s the first time we’ve actually sent them out traditional style. Last year we e-mailed an update. I’ve always gawked at the price and in my self-centeredness, figured that if people wanted an update on us they’d check…
I love it when I swing through Goodwill quick and come out with just what I was looking for. Durable binders- brand new. Running shoes for Scotland. And tempura paint- well didn’t go in looking for that but. . .
Changing perspectives
annoying-playful obnoxious- curious over-active- energetic, lively chatterbox- social poorly dressed- independent pompous- confident misbehavior- misunderstood I’ve been surprised at how changing my view of some of Scotland’s behaviors/characteristics can completely alter my feelings towards him. Words are powerful. When I see Scotland’s endless questions as innocent curiosity, a thirst for knowledge, a sign that I am raising a…