Surely the Lord God will do nothing. . .

. . .but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7

One of the main things that sets my church apart from others is that we believe that God still works through prophets- that there is a living prophet on the earth today. I believe, in fact, I know that there is a man on earth today that is equivalent in standing to Adam and Moses, Elijah and Peter. His name is Thomas S. Monson. This weekend is one of my favorites of the year. It’s one of the two times when members of my church throughout the world will gather to listen to a prophet’s voice. He along with the 12 apostles and other leaders of our church will speak on various gospel subjects as inspired by the Holy Ghost. Why do I love it so much? Because by the time Sunday evening rolls around I feel like a whole new person. I feel invigorated and determined to be better, to love more, serve more, and be more grateful. I’m reminded of the deep love I have for my Savior, and the constant love I feel from my Father in Heaven. The past few times I’ve waited too long to share my love of conference- until it was over. The last several years without fail the last session would wrap up and I would feel this incredible desire to tell everyone I know how much I love the gospel, how I know it’s true. I would want to tell all my friends about the messages I heard and invite them to listen too, but it was too late. This time, I’m being proactive. If you want to experience a little elevation, if you need some inspiration, or even if you’re curious and skeptical of my belief in living prophets I encourage you to tune in this weekend, or even better come on over and join me. I’ll make orange rolls!

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