
This afternoon I was trying everything to get Scotland to take a nap. He was fed, his diaper was fresh and yet no matter my attempts he wouldn’t fall asleep. I tried rocking him, singing to him, jumping him, massaging him, patting his back, shushing, but he was restless. Finally, I thought of Tom and how he always wraps Scotland up in the quilt I made him in such a way that he looks like he is inside a cocoon with the blankets up all around his face. I wrapped him up in such a way and within three minutes he was fast asleep. Apparently, he needed all the distractions cut out- so he could focus on just one thing- sleep.

3 responses to “Cocoon”

  1. I love your blog. You are so funny. I especially loved your laundry post.
    Devin still loves to be swaddled and he’s 6 mos. We’re trying to ween him from it though, because it gets hard as they get older. He’ll roll over and get stuck and scream and scream. But they are so sweet when they are just tiny. The other morning Luke went in to see Devin and said, “Mom, I think he broke out of his wacoon!” It was so funny.
    Scotland is just so adorable!

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