Sister's Weekend

Most sister’s weekends would probably consist of manicures, facials, and lots of shopping. We certainly did the shopping part though probably not at the more typical stores, but the rest of our time was spent visiting the Art Museum, the West Side Market, and of out traditional Goodwill.

Lauren like imagining Trevor in this shining armor. (Cleveland Museum of Art Armory exhibit)

Loving he popcorn samples at the West Side Market

Ooo and the pretzel rods too

Our sister’s weekend happened to fall on Mother’s Day weekend. Which has always been more of “Women’s Day” in our family. Here you can see I was included in the festivities with Sabina leading up the breakfast in bed with Dallin and Bryce bringing us all scones and parfaits.

I have amazing sisters and sister-in-laws, I love them all so much and count them as my dearest and bestest friends. I have never laughed so hard or so often as I did this past weekend. Thank you Sabina, Brigette, Audrey and Lauren. I love you. (Next year we just need to get my Mom, Adalee and Dantzel here too!)

One response to “Sister's Weekend”

  1. I hope we can get the other girls to join us next time. It was so nice to get away and spend time with all of you. Kjirsti your recital was exquisite and I’m sure you can find away to make money doing it and if not like you said it is fulfilling.

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