This afternoon I sang in a recital that was part of the Elgar Festival on campus this year. I sang two of his songs “Song of Autumn” and “Rondel.” I am happy to report they went well. Interestingly enough, going back and singing some old musical theater favorites, helped me realize that much of my problems are branching from the fact that I let my larynx rise when I sing. Causing me to disconnect from my breath, and causing tightness in my throat. I have found that if I sing “Many a New Day” from Oklahoma, the sort of song I find myself scatting in the shower, I am able to get the proper placement and everything else improves. At least for now. I decided to focus on that one thing in this performance, and it rendered good results, my high notes were more connected and my entire middle voice was resonant. It actually turned out to be a good performance opportunity. I had figured there would only be a handful of people there because the event wasn’t well advertised. However, the organizer of the event is also the Music History 101 teacher, and he was offering extra credit for everyone who came, so the hall was packed! I love performing for people. Sometimes I forget that, because, lately it seems like most of the “performing” I do is auditions in front of a bored and tired audition panel. It’s hard to feel like you are doing anything for anyone in that situation. I’m glad for these few opportunities to perform this week and next.
One response to “Elgar performance”
Kjirsti, that’s great to hear!! I wish I could have been there to listen to the performance. It’s so nice when you have little break throughs. I hope your other performances are just as invigorating. 🙂