a week in bullet points

Memorable moments from my week: (in no particular order)

  • Feeling such a love for each of my students as I taught this week.
  • Calling Anette Johansson, a Swedish song expert, hearing her call me Kjirsti (pronounced Sher-sti), and hearing that she was planning on compiling a potpourri of different Swedish songs for me to sing on my second masters recital.
  • Exciting over a bunch of new songs I picked for my recital
  • visiting teaching- what an inspired program
  • Pot luck at the Hamm’s, having one on one time with Meg and Claire
  • dinner and chocolate and Border’s with Steve and Mary
  • studying Italian, and learning the colloquial uses of the word “Ecco!”
  • sketching an idea for my sister’s wall and having her use it
  • painting the chest of drawers in our master bedroom rustic-style
  • reading an article by Elder Maxwell on being content with what we are allotted
  • singing for the conductor
  • finding out I’m going to have a great pianist for my recital
  • listening to a book about the Nigerian oil wars, Little Bee, and feeling greater gratitude for the safety I enjoy
  • doing more laughing than singing in my lesson with Kristy (Hey it’s good for the ab support right?!)
  • trying to hold back laughter with Tom during Der Rosenkavalier

4 responses to “a week in bullet points”

  1. That is so cool that you got to talk to a Swedish song expert! One of the stories I’m writing now is set in Sweden. How’s your Swedish history? 🙂

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