Report on the color Yellow

So, to be honest, I was a bit anxious about our paint choice. More anxious than usual, actually. I had wanted a more “mature” “sophisticated” look for our bedroom.  A color and style that when you walked in you would say, “Ah, the master bedroom.” But alas, that was not meant to be- and I’ve got to say I think it’s for the best.
After a week of sleeping in a newly yellowed room, I have nothing but recommendations. I swear every time I enter that room I get zapped with motivation. In the mornings it says happiness and energy. At night, well it says the same thing, which is perhaps why I have had unstoppable urges to clean and organize late at night, and why I’ve struggle to fall asleep- though that probably has more to do with being sick.
So the morale of the post is, paint your room as brightly yellow as we did, and gray skies will have no effect!
These also help:

I love, love, love these three prime rose in this awesome wood container. It’s very unpractical as the container is so shallow it’s nearly impossible to water them (so I have to do it a little bit every other day) but alas, they’re so chipper I don’t mind.

I grew this coleus from a cutting. Yup, I just cut off a piece of the coleus I grew out side, let the end soak in water until it rooted and then I potted. It has been sprouting all sorts of new leaves the past few weeks.

This is my dish washing friend. He sits on my kitchen window sill, and brings me smiles as I scrub and rinse.  This dear plant was completely flopped over and slack when we returned from out 2 week vacation. I was so bummed, and sure it had died. I decided to water it and just see if it could revive itself a bit- and alas 24 hours later I had this.  And people think impatiens are fragile!

3 responses to “Report on the color Yellow”

  1. Our minds are delicate scrolls, whose meaning doesn’t always come from the actual words but instead the interpretation the reader chooses to feast upon.

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