"Sisters, Sisters, never were there such devoted sisters"

Last week, I spent a week with Brigette and Sabina. It was my Christmas gift, and by far the best gift I could have been given. As usual, I learned so much on that trip. I returned with a enlarged love for my family, for children, for giving, and for endurance.
I spent the first few days with Brigette, my sister who is 2 1/2 years older than I. We were and still are best friends. Growing up we were known under one title “the little girls.” Indeed we were numbers 4 and 5 and my brother Devin, #6 didn’t come for 5 more years, and even so, he didn’t fit under the description “little girl” so we remained the exclusive “little girls” until my two younger sisters came along, and now they are called the little girls, but alas, I digress. Brigette directed, costumed, and choreographed “The Nutcracker” for the dance studio she works for. It was an enormous task, with nearly 120 dancers participating there were countless costumes to make or redesign, a plethera of dances to choreograph and an enormous number of dancers and their parents to keep informed.  Brigette did it all. The performance was a huge success. I was able to see all three shows, which was delightful because I really got to see the dancers progress. Mostly, I thrilled in the obvious signs of Brigette through the show. The roll up from the floor in the Arabian dance. The creativity of the battle scene. The hilarity of the mice and their costumes. The beauty of the Snowflakes. The memorable similarity of the Chinese.
I loved hearing the kids and parents praise my sister. I loved how the audience laughed and clapped and stood with energy and awe at the most impressive ballet production this studio has ever produced. Leave it to my sister to do a thing like that. Brigette, you’re amazing!
More amazing, perhaps was the chance to hear her speak and bear her testimony in church the next day. My sister has grown a lot these past years. Trials have made her stronger, and blunt will has developed her into one of the most thoughtful selfless people I know. I was touched by her call to service, and determined to dedicate myself to do today what I say I will do tomorrow.
The rest of the visit was spent at my oldest sister Sabina’s house. Sabina is nine years older than me, but we are like peas burst from the same pod. In our own way, we were both the oldest in the family- she of the older batch, I of the younger. I have often thought of Sabina as a manifestation of myself nine years down the road. Which is to say, Sabina has always been such a bright impressive example, that I have hoped I would be something like her nine years down the road. We had a most wonderful time. I visit to Sabina’s also means a visit with a wonderful brother, Craig, and their give adorable children. Sabina is the type of mother that gives her all to Mothering, and in turn helps develop the most impressive children. I could go on and on about how much I love and respect each of her children, but since this post is about sisters, I will have to leave that for latter.
Every time I return from a visit with Sabina I feel inspired. Inspired to seek excellence in my hobbies, to give myself more fully to my family, to think of others more often, and to work to make my marriage better every day. Towards the end of the week, I had this realization that I hadn’t thought of myself once throughout the whole week- it was a refreshing realization. I had spent each day wrapped up in love for my nieces and nephews and for my sister. In the end the week was good for both of us. I found myself by loosing myself, and Sabina found herself by being herself (something that is altogether challenging when five people are calling on you day and night!)
It is often through the people around us that God answers our prayers. I know this to be true. Thank you Brigette and Sabina for being those answers.

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