Lest you all call and ask. . .

I didn’t get the role. I’m crushed- but I’ll get over it. Two of my dear friends got the role and I couldn’t be happier for them, so how can I really be upset? The call-back went okay. I was more nervous that I expected and I wasn’t as loose as a result and hence my tone wasn’t as free.

I cried through a few hours of the evening and then got out the rest of my negative emotions through gardening. How plants calm me.

I was given the “cover” which means I will attend all the rehearsals, learn the role, and then be there ready if either Claire or Amanda get sick.  I figure I’ll take up my friend Megan’s attitude, and learn the role so darn well that when we’re finished they’ll wish they had had a third spot to cast me as well.

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. They always remind me that in the end, a theater full of fans who will love me for a moment, can never compare with a houseful of people who will love me forever.

4 responses to “Lest you all call and ask. . .”

  1. Kjirsti, I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking about you all day, wondering how it went. I’m glad you’re ok with it and have been feeling peace. I think your idea is great, learn it so well that they realize they should have picked you!

  2. I thought this was going to be it. If this where a letter there would be wet blotches on the page from my tears. I love you.

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