I was recently sent the blog address of my dear neighbors, the Jorgensen’s who are currently serving a mission for our church in Ghana. As I read through their entries I smiled and missed them. Being the snoop that I am, I also visited that other blogs on their blog list, and was updated on all sorts of news from Moses Lake:
The Earls just returned from a mission in Peru.
Sis. Mckonkie just got re-married and moved to Utah.
Sis. Payne keeps a delightful and inspiring blog.
Sis. Perrins thinks her husband looks like a model.
After an hour of browsing the guilt for procrastinating writing a paper for my Opera Theater class took over, and I figured one step closer to writing, would be to write a blog post. . . don’t worry I’ll get to the paper. But this is what I needed right now.
It’s amazing how much I miss Moses Lake and all of its people. I miss knowing everyone in the stake. I miss the relationships I had with my Mother’s friends. My currently ward is full of professional students, with very few established families, it’s amazing what a void that leaves- the absence of friendships with mature mothers. At Oberlin, Sis. Stay was my fill in. I adored her. I craved her wise advice and broad vantage point in life.
Reading these blogs I just realized, how much I have missed that this past year in Cleveland.
So perhaps this is the lesson I needed just now to convince me to go to the Stake Enrichment this weekend. Even though I have to drive 30 minutes and I will know next to no one- how else am I going to meet stalwart women like those I admire from Moses Lake, here in Cleveland?
2 responses to “News from Moses Lake”
I’ve gone to the Stake Women’s Conference the last two years that I’ve been here, and almost no one from our ward attends it. I looks forward to it because I’m going to be in Cleveland long-term, so I want to get to know other women in the stake. I think a lot of women in our ward don’t see it as worth their time. Kellie and I are driving out together if you think you want to hitch a ride with us.
That was really fun to hear an update on some Moses Lakeians. Thanks.