A tribute to Pops

As the percentage of single-mother homes rises I feel increasingly grateful for my father. I love and adore him. I admire his constancy in the gospel. There are few people that are as dedicated to learning about the gospel than my dad. I can thank him for my habits of scripture study. I remember vividly the day I got out the colored pencils, his scriptures and mine, and then proceeded to mark in my scriptures everything that he had in his. I watched him read his scriptures every night, and I enjoyed deep gospel discussions with him often. My Dad is never afraid to share his testimony with our family. Now a days our family gets together only a few times a year, but always, my Dad makes a point of bearing his testimony and sharing his love and trust in his Savior.

I hope I never forget the look of admiration and complete pride that has oft covered my Father’s face when I sang. It is a look of serene love and complete enjoyment. More than once that face has flashed before me when a decision of repertoire or operatic role has challenged me to sing something, I knew he wouldn’t approve of, and every time it has given me the strength to say no.

My Dad taught me to love work. My mom was always the one to write the list of chores, but it was usually Dad who was out there doing them with us. We planted and weeded the garden together, we pruned and hauled together, he helped me start the lawn mower when I was too young and weak to get it started. He had a pride in his yard and garden and as a result taught me to take pride in my work. I love the fact that gardening is a legacy dad has instilled in all of us children. As much as we grumbled and complained as youth; all of us, who have places of our own, now have gardens.

My Dad was always respectful to my Mother, and always insured that we as children were as well. I have oft been shocked at the disrespectful treatment some of my acquaintances have given their mothers, and wondered how such habits are developed. While I think it’s roots are varied, I believe the respectful relationship between the father and mother is vital.

My Dad placed an importance on family like few men I have known. He showed through his example that the home was a place to be loved and family relations something to be cherished.

I love you Pops, thanks for everything.

2 responses to “A tribute to Pops”

  1. Kjirsti,
    Thanks for the positive and selective memory! I love you all and am honored to be your father. My greatest desire is that I will be with you all forever.
    Love Dad

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