Jewelry Night

My ward’s relief society has started a jewelry making night. Last night was the first time I was able to go. I brought Megan along and we had a great time. I made a long necklace in black and silver and some simple green earrings to go with a green skirt I adore. It was a wonderful night, and one of the first real chances I have had to mingle with the sisters in the ward. My school and work schedule was such that I rarely was able to attend RS activities, and as a result I feel a bit aloof from the ward. It’s just to hard to establish any real relationships in the five minutes before class. About 1/3 to a half of our ward is moving or has moved, and it has bothered me more than I would think. There are so many incredible women in my ward, women that I have quietly admired over the months. (Don’t get me wrong there are many phenomenal women that are staying that I can continue to draw inspiration from.) One sister, reminds me a lot of Sabina and funny enough her husband is strikingly like Derek. I don’t know them well, but I was continually awestruck by her deep thoughts and questions when she taught Sunday school and from her comments in relief society. I wish I would have had a better chance to get to know them. It’s so hard to know how to balance one’s time and relationships. How do you keep old friendships and yet cultivate new?

I’m so grateful for the women in my ward who have been such examples of womanhood and motherhood. Most of the women in my ward are married with children. They are that singular type of mother that is entirely a career. Motherhood is not something they do because there wasn’t anything else they were good at, quite the opposite. They are mothers because they have recognized the value of valiant families in society. They are mothers because they understand that only as a mother can one learn the unconditional love of Christ. Thank you all, for your quite examples.

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