Opera Scenes

Claire Connelly, Anjin Stewart-Funai, Me, Megan Crews

Friday night I sang in CIM’s opera scenes program. I played Constance from “The Sorcerer,” a lesser known Gilbert and Sullivan work. It was interesting, because in the dress rehearsal on Wednesday I felt really on top of my game, I felt immersed in the character and I was able to focus both on my maintaining my technique and truly representing the character. The run went great and I felt euphoric afterward. Last night, however, I just felt “off.” I was tired from a long week and I could feel it slightly in my throat which made me nervous, as a result it wasn’t Constance on the stage singing, but Kjirsti singing Constance. I think I overacted to makeup for not feeling like I was feeling it, the singing was fine, but not as controlled and dynamically contrasted as it had been on Wednesday night. I left the stage frustrated, and I was a bit perturbed the rest of the night. I really must learn to be more consistent. I perform again tomorrow, and I think this is what I learned from Friday, I should do so much talking before, I should be in costume earlier so I can feel the character more completely throughout my body, I shouldn’t allow myself to get nervous about minor vocal things.

That said, I should mention how grateful I have been for the many kind and sincere compliments the vocal faculty have given me over the past few days. Ms. Schiller has made a point several times to tell me how “fabulous” I sang, and Mr. Billions even expressed pride in my performance and gave me a big hug after Wednesday’s performance. After a somewhat frustrating year as I have transitioned between techniques, it has felt so good to feel like I am on solid ground again, that I know what I am doing. The changes have been very good for me vocally and emotionally. My voice is much more consistent, and my high notes have opened up again as a result of the tensions I have been slowly shedding throughout the year.

Tom and I (Wow! Don’t I look HUGE in this picture!)

3 responses to “Opera Scenes”

  1. Hm… Well if you figure out how to be someone else, (on a days notice) let me know. I sure wish I could change how I come across some days.

  2. I’m so glad you’re feeling more confident in your singing. I know I have no training, but to me you sound fantastic. You are a very talented woman. As for your feelings on your last performance, We all have our off days every now and then, but how would we ever learn otherwise.

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