Cleveland Botanical Garden

Tom and I visited yet another gem of Cleveland’s, its botanical garden. Mary and Steve and Erin are on Spring break this week and so we decided to get together and go. They were having an orchid exhibit, which was stunning. Here are some pictures.

Doesn’t this one look like something straight out of “Alice in Wonderland!”

I love the look of wonder in Mary’s eyes.

In the winter the garden has two indoor gardens. A Madagascar garden, and a cloud garden. The first featured dry plants and the second wet. We watched a chameleon snag a cricket with its tongue and eat it! The second garden, the cloud garden- or rain forest garden, was were all these pictures are from. It also featured some of the most vibrant birds and butterflies I have ever seen. In the spring and summer there is a large outdoor portion. I can’t wait! I can’t believe we have never gone- we even get in free!

Erin is spending the weekend with us this weekend. I had a very busy week, and a very busy weekend. Realizing this as well as knowing that I would like to have the house picked up for Erin to come, Tom spent Saturday morning picking up the entire house while I was away for a Seminary inservice meeting. How I adore this man.

2 responses to “Cleveland Botanical Garden”

  1. Are those Venus Fly Traps I see by Tom? Some of the world’s most vibrant colors come through flowers, thanks for the pictures “BRIGHTENING” my day!

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