- Scotland was on near angelic behavior today. He made his bed in addition to picking it up. He offered to read the bedtime stories so I could rest my voice. He jumped in and negotiated with a tantruming Anders in a calm understanding way that deescalated him, and led to a more peaceful departure to the library. I praised him again and again. (Which he adores.) Finally, after dinner, he asked: “Do you know why I’ve been acting this way all day? Well, one reason is because I want to get those presents for Christmas (He has a ripped-out page from a LEGO magazine taped to his wall. An arrow points to two different LEGO sets, with the words ‘I wont these!’), but mostly it’s because it’s the right thing to do!”
- Building block towers with Chiara and hearing her say “cash” when they toppled over.
- Getting to talk to my sister Sabina. Being nine years older, I’ve always idolized her. And even now, though in some ways we’re more peers. I feel like a giddy fan when she calls.
- The boys’ delight in returning, choosing, checking out, and carrying their own library books.